2857 28 Aug 2014


1.    PSI Thailand Foundation has received a grant from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) to prevent HIV transmission in Thailand. Part of the proceeds of this grant will be used for procurement of safe injecting equipment.
2.    PSI now invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers to provide one or more of the following commodities:
1.    Needle #27, 1ml syringe, detachable        91,000     pcs.
2.    Needle #27, 1ml syringe, fixed            11,000     pcs.
3.    Sterile water 5 ml                    360,000     pcs.
4.    Cotton balls, sealed package of 5 units        100,000    sets
5.    Cotton filters,                     150,000     sets
6.    Alcohol swabs                    170,000     pcs.
7.    Needle disposal box                    600         pcs.
8.    Plastic bag - Blue 25 (1 ml)                7,000        pcs.
9.    Plastic bag - Green (27 detach)            30,000    pcs.

3.    Interested eligible suppliers may obtain further information and access more information about the bidding documentsfrom the office of PSI Thailand Foundation (see address below).
4.    All bids must be delivered to:Q House Convent Building, 2nd Floor, 38 Convent Road, Silom,Bangrak, Bangkok 10500– Tel: +66 (0) 2234-9225-29 / Fax: +66 (0) 22349230
Attention: Mr. SiamyotTamwan, Procurement & Logistic Officer, ( no later than 9:00 hrs. on04 September 2014.
5.    Bids will be opened in the presence of PSI’s bid evaluation committee (BEC) members and bidder representatives at 10 hrs.on05 September 2014.


Contact Information

  • : มูลนิธิกองทุนไทย Thai Fund Foundation 2044/23 ถ.เพชรบุรีตัดใหม่ บางกะปิ ห้วยขวาง กรุงเทพ 10310
  • :
  • : 082 178 3849
  • :

Thai NGO

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